I've already seen this on YouTube and left a comment there. But.... I'm so glad that I'm too stupid to understand the Cults ideology. It's saved me from multicoloured hair, bad dress sense, a body full of badly done indecipherable tattoos, disfiguring piercings and lets not forget mutilating my body and destroying my body with cross sex hormones. Yes I'm so stupid. Or maybe I recognise that this ideology is the Alchemist equivalent of turning base metal into Gold and I'm stupid enough to know you can't polish a turd.
Yes that is fascinating stuff Barry. I had to read James’ piece slowly and more than once and then concentrate carefully on how you read and analysed it. I do understand it and I’m pleased about that, given my age and the time of night, but I doubt if I could explain it to anyone.
Maybe I’m simplifying the concept but it seems a straightforward copy of all religion, which produced social control of the masses, oppression of women and groups which didn’t “fit in” with the world view of the religion. If one follows the “rules” of the religion and conforms, believing in all the makey up s***e that all religions force feed the masses, then one will have their reward after death but, perhaps more importantly, will live a life of acceptance and belonging. If they don’t, they’re shunned and ostracised by the religion and its cultish followers.
This, I believe, is one reason why Ireland is in a much worse state than the UK when it comes to transgender bollocks. Ireland was largely monotheistic- the vast majority of the population being Catholic. When the Church eventually imploded the masses had nowhere to go … no rules, no boundaries. So the cult took hold with little resistance. Added to that was Ireland’s pride in itself that it was becoming so progressive so quickly. So, as you know, they followed the Denton playbook and got the lie of self identity passed into law on the back of a much more popular progressive cause.
The UK, on the other hand, had nowhere near as many people in thrall to religion. And of course we had JKR, Glinner, Maya, La Bindel, Doc Stock, and the EDI Jester. And thank the Lord for each and everyone of you 🤗💜
What has occurred to my dim mind for a while now ( and I may be barking up the wrong tree in the wrong field) which is that a religion or a cult does not, in the vast majority of cases, demand that you change your body but rather that you change what you do or how you think. The Skoptsy did favour genital mutilation but that was to control lust...not to change you into something else but to help you not 'sin'. But the gender ideologues believe you can change your body by mutilation to become something else because of your gendered soul. That is a radically different concept and it cannot transmute your gendered soul ( if you think that exists) into bodily form ( because it's a soul!). It seems to be a wholly new phenomenon - apart from being absolute boll***s and causing immense harm to children, women, gays and lesbians...
I now need to find a different way of writing that so that you have to spend several hours working out what the hell I am talking about.
I can only add the name of Martine Rothblatt, “transgenderism is the on-ramp to transhumanism.” He has created a new religion ‘Terasem’ which he says is creating god through the melding of humans with technology and by removing reproduction from humans.
I agree, gender ideology is incredibly dangerous for society. It is the Trojan Horse for authoritarianism, enabling a few rich and powerful individuals to gather total power to themselves, including the creation of life itself.
I have thought for a long time now that the true enemy is the ideology. This micro teach puts flesh on that idea. The ideology relies on deception for its continued existence. First it demands an individual deceive themselves about the nature of their own bodies, and then it demands that society colludes in that deception. Anyone who has ever looked after someone with a degenerative brain disease will see that the mind and the body are not separate. As the physical brain deteriorates, the mind deteriorates until the original persona is no longer there. And what is left is not some kind of divine essence liberated from a decaying body, it is often a sad shadow of the former person.
I hate this ideology more than I have ever hated anything in my life. It is utterly destructive. I have never thought of evil as having a physical presence before, but this ideology comes as close to being an evil force as anything I have seen before.
Hello my friend, I just left a comment on YT, but I do want to migrate off that platform, which feels dangerous, even as a viewer (and commenter, more to the point).
If you read my comment on YT you'll see I'm curious about what you think of Dr Karlyn Boryshenko. She is here on Substack with a channel called Actively Unwoke.
She really doesn't get the point about those things that concern me the most- women's rights and the sexualization of children. I find her opinions in that area insufferable, but I suspect she has trans friends and troons in the chat.
But puting that to the side, her focus is on the Socialist Language and she is waging a campaign of disagreement, desperately trying to influence Lindsey with the help of a swarm of mosquitos that buzz around his posts.
I'd be curious what you think about their backstage debate.
This is definitely the queering of alchemy, which whether or not you subscribe to it, is about the refinement of the individual psyche and never about transmuting society. My mind is blown, this just makes so much sense. Just a couple of minor points: reification is about making something a thing (rather than just a floating idea); 'hermetic' comes from the alchemist and astrologer Hermes Trismegistus, of I think the 12th century, medieval anyway.
I've already seen this on YouTube and left a comment there. But.... I'm so glad that I'm too stupid to understand the Cults ideology. It's saved me from multicoloured hair, bad dress sense, a body full of badly done indecipherable tattoos, disfiguring piercings and lets not forget mutilating my body and destroying my body with cross sex hormones. Yes I'm so stupid. Or maybe I recognise that this ideology is the Alchemist equivalent of turning base metal into Gold and I'm stupid enough to know you can't polish a turd.
Yes that is fascinating stuff Barry. I had to read James’ piece slowly and more than once and then concentrate carefully on how you read and analysed it. I do understand it and I’m pleased about that, given my age and the time of night, but I doubt if I could explain it to anyone.
Maybe I’m simplifying the concept but it seems a straightforward copy of all religion, which produced social control of the masses, oppression of women and groups which didn’t “fit in” with the world view of the religion. If one follows the “rules” of the religion and conforms, believing in all the makey up s***e that all religions force feed the masses, then one will have their reward after death but, perhaps more importantly, will live a life of acceptance and belonging. If they don’t, they’re shunned and ostracised by the religion and its cultish followers.
This, I believe, is one reason why Ireland is in a much worse state than the UK when it comes to transgender bollocks. Ireland was largely monotheistic- the vast majority of the population being Catholic. When the Church eventually imploded the masses had nowhere to go … no rules, no boundaries. So the cult took hold with little resistance. Added to that was Ireland’s pride in itself that it was becoming so progressive so quickly. So, as you know, they followed the Denton playbook and got the lie of self identity passed into law on the back of a much more popular progressive cause.
The UK, on the other hand, had nowhere near as many people in thrall to religion. And of course we had JKR, Glinner, Maya, La Bindel, Doc Stock, and the EDI Jester. And thank the Lord for each and everyone of you 🤗💜
James Lindsay? Do me a lemon.
Fascinating stuff, Barry.
What has occurred to my dim mind for a while now ( and I may be barking up the wrong tree in the wrong field) which is that a religion or a cult does not, in the vast majority of cases, demand that you change your body but rather that you change what you do or how you think. The Skoptsy did favour genital mutilation but that was to control lust...not to change you into something else but to help you not 'sin'. But the gender ideologues believe you can change your body by mutilation to become something else because of your gendered soul. That is a radically different concept and it cannot transmute your gendered soul ( if you think that exists) into bodily form ( because it's a soul!). It seems to be a wholly new phenomenon - apart from being absolute boll***s and causing immense harm to children, women, gays and lesbians...
I now need to find a different way of writing that so that you have to spend several hours working out what the hell I am talking about.
Thanks again
I can only add the name of Martine Rothblatt, “transgenderism is the on-ramp to transhumanism.” He has created a new religion ‘Terasem’ which he says is creating god through the melding of humans with technology and by removing reproduction from humans.
I agree, gender ideology is incredibly dangerous for society. It is the Trojan Horse for authoritarianism, enabling a few rich and powerful individuals to gather total power to themselves, including the creation of life itself.
I have thought for a long time now that the true enemy is the ideology. This micro teach puts flesh on that idea. The ideology relies on deception for its continued existence. First it demands an individual deceive themselves about the nature of their own bodies, and then it demands that society colludes in that deception. Anyone who has ever looked after someone with a degenerative brain disease will see that the mind and the body are not separate. As the physical brain deteriorates, the mind deteriorates until the original persona is no longer there. And what is left is not some kind of divine essence liberated from a decaying body, it is often a sad shadow of the former person.
I hate this ideology more than I have ever hated anything in my life. It is utterly destructive. I have never thought of evil as having a physical presence before, but this ideology comes as close to being an evil force as anything I have seen before.
Hello my friend, I just left a comment on YT, but I do want to migrate off that platform, which feels dangerous, even as a viewer (and commenter, more to the point).
If you read my comment on YT you'll see I'm curious about what you think of Dr Karlyn Boryshenko. She is here on Substack with a channel called Actively Unwoke.
She really doesn't get the point about those things that concern me the most- women's rights and the sexualization of children. I find her opinions in that area insufferable, but I suspect she has trans friends and troons in the chat.
But puting that to the side, her focus is on the Socialist Language and she is waging a campaign of disagreement, desperately trying to influence Lindsey with the help of a swarm of mosquitos that buzz around his posts.
I'd be curious what you think about their backstage debate.
That gnostic gnome has most of us blocked.
This is definitely the queering of alchemy, which whether or not you subscribe to it, is about the refinement of the individual psyche and never about transmuting society. My mind is blown, this just makes so much sense. Just a couple of minor points: reification is about making something a thing (rather than just a floating idea); 'hermetic' comes from the alchemist and astrologer Hermes Trismegistus, of I think the 12th century, medieval anyway.