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From the woman (pretending to be male) who was the Satanic designer whose work led in part to the gigantic Target boycott last year: "transitioning is alchemy." I would like to discuss this Socially Gnostic/Hermetic statement in some depth to clarify what gender ideology does.
The first thing to understand is the term "alchemy." Alchemy is a magical process with particular metaphysical commitments beneath it. The basic idea is believing that some essential substance can be transmuted into some other essential substance, but it goes deeper than this.
Alchemy rests on a metaphysical commitment to a kind of Gnostic and Neoplatonic dualism that sees true substances as divine and physical/real substances not just as mundane but as fallen, vulgar, and contaminated. Alchemy is an esoteric process of freeing the divine from the Fall
"Transitioning is alchemy" is therefore a statement referencing a fundamentally spiritualist belief that there is a true substance to the person that is being liberated from its fallen form, which imprisons it, through a magical process of transmutation. It is (dark) magical.
Perhaps the greatest contemporary expositor on alchemy is George Soros, who explains that its purpose is "operational success." He claims alchemy doesn't obtain in the physical sciences; only in the social sciences, which should be called "social alchemy."
Social alchemy is therefore achieved in the following way: Conditions are set to lead significant numbers of people to believe a politically actionable lie (or set of lies) so that they then act upon them. The lie then becomes consensus or convention, i.e., socially "true."
You will notice, of course, that this is the same method and purpose of propaganda as infamously explained by Joseph Goebbels. The idea is that a lie repeated often enough gets treated as true. This process has been called "social reification" or "legitimation by paralogy."
This point from Soros is incredibly important to understanding the phenomena of "gender transition" and "transgender," thus bearing on all of "gender ideology," which is a shorthand for "a critical constructivist ideology of gender."
First, note that Soros identifies social alchemy explicitly as a dialectical process, which locates it not only in the same current as Marxism but also in the Hermeticism (Gnostic occult belief) I already suggested. That's a challenging term, but we can make sense of it.
A good lay definition for "dialectical" would be "blending truths and lies for operational purposes." That is, it's manipulating people's understanding of a circumstance so that they'll adopt actionable beliefs with political consequences. It explicitly relies upon distortions.
Soros says explicitly that what moves history isn't truth but the difference between truth and what people actually believe (or can be led to believe). That is, he says history moves through "fertile fallacies," i.e., politically productive errors or lies.
There's a lot here, but what it all tells us is that the point of gender ideology isn't individual transition; it's *social transmutation*. It has little or nothing to do with the individual in question, who is little more than a wedge to transform social beliefs and attitudes.
Put more plainly: unlike the older practice of transsexualism, which was/is individual, *your participation is required* in transgenderism. In transgenderism, what matters is what people will accept and believe about the "transgender" person. Transmutation is a social thing.
In other words, just like Soros indicated, the alchemy of gender transition is a social phenomenon. It is not an individual process that obtains in physical reality; it is a social process that obtains in social "reality" through social reification/legitimation by paralogy.
That means that "gender transition" is a matter of people believing "gender transition" is a real thing, which is to say that it isn't a "transgender" person daring to live in the world but one forcing everyone else to live in a world that doesn't exist. That's a big difference.
The foundational literature in Queer Theory, (Foucauldian) Sexuality Theory, Feminist Theory, etc., all attests to this understanding. The "soul" (divine part) is not imprisoned by the body so much as the body is imprisoned by the soul. That's Foucault's and Butler's view.
What it refers to is the idea that one's soul (who you are) is actually a social phenomenon, a constructed part of the broader Geist (dialectical Spirit) of society. Bulter's view (following Foucault) is that the Geist constrains the soul so that it is "scripted" onto the body.
That is, people do with their bodies what they believe they are supposed to do with their bodies. If they are male, society (Spirit) tells them to present as masculine (soul), so they live and present that way (body). Hence "sex assigned at birth."
Critical constructivists believe every phenomenon is the result of social reification. A doctor "assigns sex at birth" and then society, "obsessed with genitals," creates conditions that socially reinforce expectations about one's sex/gender in a giant society-wide drag show.
They also believe that by adopting critical constructivism ("Woke"), a person can see through this imprisoning dynamic and set the divine part of themselves free from the "controlled" set of social expectations (cf. Demiurge and his archons). It's a Gnostic Cult.
The point isn't to see through it (understand society), though. It's to transmute society (change it!). That is, the point is to use "gender transition" to force society to accept and socially reify the critical constructivist ideology of gender under "gender transition."
That's the alchemy, and it happens SOCIALLY. Again: your participation is REQUIRED. Their view is that since all reality is socially reified reality, they should seize the means of production of social reification to maximize spiritual liberation of imprisoned souls.
"Transitioning is alchemy" is deadly serious, then, as visualized with the skeletal artwork at the top. It is also inherently totalitarian, requiring mass "ideological remolding" to create the social reification necessary for it to be "socially real" ("valid").
This is the "gender ideology" (oc)cult religion, which requires universal belief. Again, it isn't about "transgender" people daring to live in the world. It's about using "transgender" people to force everyone to live in a world that doesn't exist.
Incidentally, this also explains in part why Leftism always produces radically ugly presentations in people, which is a tragedy. By presenting their fallen, vulgar form as ugly and degenerate, they seek to force you to recognize the divine part within themselves.
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