Jun 13Liked by EDIJester

I have been saying for a long long time that labour can not be trusted. Even less after this bs crap from them. I absolutely despise labour apart from Rosie Duffield

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Jun 13Liked by EDIJester

I’m so apprehensive about Labour getting in. Free speech is another area of concern. What happens when, as women, we speak about our rights? Will that be considered hate speech?

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Jun 13Liked by EDIJester


They are quite open about the plans to criminalise our speech.

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Jun 13Liked by EDIJester

Smoke and mirrors all the way. Deliberately vague depending on which lobby group shouts loudest. Not looking forward to them being in government. An even bigger fight on our hands.

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Jun 14Liked by EDIJester

What a mess and I'm at a loss wondering how they are going to protect Women and girls from male violence when at the same time they going to threaten safeguarding by allowing self id. They talk about dealing with misogyny, will that include the misogyny in their own party as they sure as hell haven't dealt with it there.

Just simply angry and disappointed in this manifesto, but I really wasn't expecting anything better.

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Jun 13Liked by EDIJester

My labour candidate cannot get away fast enough when he sees me! He hit the 'wrong' door when he knocked on mine as was hoping for an easy ride. Bad mistake but also got me no further forward but at least he heard my views and will be very soon followed up with an email.

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Jun 13Liked by EDIJester

Yes Barry - they intend to institute equity in all areas.

The country can’t take ten years of labour.

They fully intend to increase immigration to the point that they have a voting base (won’t work just will provide social unrest).

They plan to disallow criticism of Muslims - Rothetham but now with penalty if you speak.

They plan to criminilise speech about men in dresses - Isla Bryson but he will be elevated and anyone speaking out will be criminalised

I saw a report somewhere, which I can’t find, that they actually discussed penalising people if their houses are ‘too big’ and taking their houses off of them.

I don’t see the UK surviving 10 years. I would be surprised if it can last a single term of Labour without significant problems that may never be undone.

Look what’s happened to America under Biden. Look at Belgium, Germany etc etc.

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Jun 13Liked by EDIJester

Only the gods can help us now!

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Jun 14Liked by EDIJester

l can't stand any more of this crap. we have the unenviable choice between bullshit and cowshit with Labour or Conservative. Neither have the credibility to run a raffle let alone a country!

on polling day l will be driving to Portsmouth to catch a ferry to Spain. l don't intend to come back. l want to live out my days in sunshine and ignorant bliss.

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