Two tier Kier has clamped down hard in order to terrify the public into submission because he knows that he has no intention of stopping mass immigration and he doesn’t want anyone talking about it. I already know of people who are modifying their perfectly moderate online posts. I hope all those people who thought that Starmer is moderate, are beginning to wake up. He is a dangerous wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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Aug 10Liked by EDIJester

Agreed, Barry. I posted to you on X Frank Furedi’s 12 short theses on the riots. I think he’s captured the motivation of the rioters with a good analysis of the government’s & media responses.

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Aug 10Liked by EDIJester

It's being used as a deterrent. They know it will change on appeal. It's social engineering

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Aug 10Liked by EDIJester

I knew when I only saw counter protest posts in my town but no protest ones

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Aug 10Liked by EDIJester

I dint think they care about trust, they are power mad and incapable of nuance.

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Aug 10Liked by EDIJester

Two tier starmer no spine, no balls, does not belong to a party named labour, and apart from wes streeting ( questionable at moment) not one of your front bench do either. You are disgracefully dragging the term labour into the mire. Keir is an idiot with no policy, no understanding, go with the last nutjob that spoke to him, kind of guy. The public are paying the price of his nonentity. His party is filled with those who wish to slice people's necks for protesting, drug and mutilate children, police state monitoring Facebook, x, tik tok ffs,. Shame on the Korean style politics in the UK labour party, shame on you

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Aug 10Liked by EDIJester

I agree.

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Hi Barry

Thanks as ever.

I have cross posted and I include the Leeds woman who was arrested when she was trying to give the cops some ice lollies!!!



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Aug 10Liked by EDIJester

Unless all who plead Not Guilty are held over like the Labour councillor then it looks again like different standards. They should be clear on that as well.

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Aug 10Liked by EDIJester

The people need constitutional lawyers to look at the tyranny

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I'm not sure if I'm going to articulate anything useful here or not, but I'm going to try. My x account was recently locked for saying government officials should be bodily thrown out, and tarred and feathered. I detest violence, I really do, but for the sake of argument I'm going to say there should be no imposition on free speech, whatsoever.

Governments are afraid enough of their people to impose censorship and arrest, and to openly discuss reeducation camps for dissidents, on legacy media. They are not as of yet, afraid enough to abandon their tyrannical designs.

As I see it, our Governments are themselves inciting violence in the first place, their ideologies can be followed to their logical conclusions of death and slavery, and anyone who dares speak up is branded a "threat to democracy". here in the US, remote-control-undead-unpresident Biden effectively declared war on the majority of Americans. People are being backed into a corner where the only way out constitutes bloody revolution. If I, a peaceful, thinking, civilized man, with a roof over my head and food in the pantry, finds himself feeling as desperate and angry as I do, then I think about those with faculties less intact, I think about men less capable of self control, I think about men with nothing to lose, with empty stomachs, and no hope and all of the incentive to take justice into their own hands, and I think about men with the most precious of gifts to lose (children, wife, family).

The pyre is built, replete with tinder and kerosene, awaiting sparks or open flame. We find ourselves in this situation as a result of blatant malice coupled with ignorance exploited, the masses have been living in a brave new world, checked out and unconcerned...

The struggle is life or death, freedom or slavery. At it's core the threat is existential, so I feel that government officials should be made aware that they will not be safe, that justice will eventually prevail, charges of treason levied, and subsequently nooses tightened around necks for public hangings, grotesque and unpleasant as it would be, it would solve the problem.

The complete absence of justice can only go on so long. Words are words, violence is violence, and I am still vouching for the use of words.

Eventually our tolerance and civility will deliver us to the gulag, and in opposing totalitarianism there is also the danger of becoming the monster we oppose.

So, when government officials and unelected bureaucrats are openly murderous and tyrannical in their policies and their speech and their implementations, to what extent can we afford to bite our tongues? I watched as some lamented that president Donald Trump had not been killed, and I knew I would have fired an employee for it, but I never would have tried to silence them. We have rights, or we do not... as a nonreligious person I believe that the concept of god is necessary, so that we may attribute our rights as having been allocated from a higher power, outside of man's jurisdiction. The concept of god is necessary if for no other reason than for that utility. Human rights are more important than my own life, and I'm not alone in that belief, I'm going to say what I like until I am shut up, and what I really want to say is that the tyrants have not begun to understand how afraid they should truly be. They've done everything they can to ensure that violence is inevitable, and it seems that law and justice are completely broken. Times have never been more dangerous. Men made animals, backed into corners of cages, and prodded with sticks.

This is my point: If free speech is in any way rescinded or restricted, violence will be a consequence, regardless of how anyone feels about it. If we cannot solve our existential problems with discourse, that leaves acquiescence to tyranny, or violence, as the only two options.

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