Jun 25Liked by EDIJester

This drives me nuts. Body positivity was about accepting things you had no choice about.

My dad once told my sister that it wasn't her glands, it was because her mouth was bigger than her arsehole. I spat my dinner across the table laughing.

I have no problem with being cuddly or a bit chubby especially as we get older but what we are seeing in young people is a life style choice. Nobody wakes up one morning and they've become 25 stone overnight.

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šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m going to remember that one šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

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Jun 25Liked by EDIJester

You've forgot the chips.

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Jun 25Liked by EDIJester

Oh FFS šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø

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Jun 25Liked by EDIJester

I wonder which would win in a victimhood fightā€¦.the weight of the fatty or the aggression of the tra?

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Oh I don't know. Maybe the training is for stagehands and scenery builders teaching them how to reinforce props, stages and other stuff to cope with the extra weight.

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World is nuts

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ā€œCritical fat theoryā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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I do wonder, having been someone who had to decide where funding went and knowing people who cave at the slightest piece of aggression, whether they just chuck money at it to shut them up. We had a several million Ā£ funding round and made the recommendations for projects to fund and those to decline and the board just approved the politically correct ones which I then had to pick up and try to manage. And all because they wanted those organisations to vote their way the next round of consensus.

They were a complete shit show from the start which is why we declined them. And also a main reason why I had to take early retirement the moment I had enough money to cover me between then and being able to draw down my pension. The utter incompetence on how industry money was being spent was infuriating as good people were being overruled by politics.

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Thanks so much for this, Barry, you had me rolling on the floor laughing, just in time since I needed a laugh badly! May I ask, is some of your terminology Southampton slang? I had to look up "it's pies," still not sure of the meaning. Anyway, this topic of body positivity is so relevant to the whole "accept me exactly as is or I'll knock your block off" attitude these days (such as with trans activists, DEI, and so on and on) . I too tend to gain weight and when that happens I say I'm fat. No shame in that, but no reason to boast or demand special treatment. People have gone nuts, but thanks for keeping us sane. Also you may want to consider a sideline as a stand-up (or zoom) comedian, as you really do have a gift, I kid you not. Lots of ā¤ļø, dear, dear man.

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"it's pies" just means "I have put this weight on, from eating too many pies..."

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Thanks! Now I get it, and totally understand -- pies are way easy to eat too much of!! My favorite is apple, with whipped cream of course...

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"ACE records show she was awarded Ā£10,479 last year, which she used to develop her project ā€œbody acceptance and inclusionā€."

So "body acceptance and inclusion" is OK for fat but not for sex.

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Barry you are a delight. say it like it is has always been my way.

l think a new way of sizing clothes may help - - l suggest something like

"S, M, L, XL, XXL, Tent, FFS!"

l am a bit of a porker atm but nobody's fault but my own. too much chocolate. xxx

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