Jun 20Liked by EDIJester

When we import the third world, we become the third world.

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Jun 20Liked by EDIJester

I would bet good money that these boys are followers of "The Religion of Peace"!

The woke Scottish legal system will be too fearful of being accused of an racist intent to properly prosecute the matter. They would literally have had to kill this boy or close to it before they police would muster a just response.

I can imagine the police response. So some Muslim kids tormented a gay boy, but this is a religiously sensitive matter! Cowardice is what it is.

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Jun 20Liked by EDIJester

Yes, it was.

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Jun 20Liked by EDIJester

My thoughts too.Tiptoe around them just like they do with their grooming gangs.

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Jun 20Liked by EDIJester

If they believe in the brain only maturing at 25, then rather than lowering the age of being able to vote they should raise it to 25.

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Jun 20Liked by EDIJester

That is heartbreaking. As a 16 year old is considered old enough to vote they should be made fully accountable for their cruelty!

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Jun 20Liked by EDIJester

They have double standards on this in Scotland. There was a man recently who got away with raping a 13 year old girl when he was 17. The judge said if he'd committed the crime over the age of 25 he would have been imprisonsed. Presumably 17 is too young to know right from wrong (utter claptrap) but 16 is old enough to be mature enough to vote! Madness.

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Jun 20Liked by EDIJester

It’s horrifying and worrying all at once.

The forced teaming with the insane TQ+ dictatorship and uncontrollable levels of migration of peoples hostile to gay rights, I fear that this is one of many such tales we will hear more of.

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Jun 20Liked by EDIJester

And probably many more that we won't hear about from mainstream media.

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Jun 20Liked by EDIJester

In my childhood neighbourhood, this would have been dealt with with summary rough justice.

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