Thank you Barry. That was wonderful. For a brief moment I thought you weren’t going to mention Miss Brodie! But you picked probably the best scene from the movie. And thank you for giving us Warrior Teachers Miss Brodie for homework 🤗

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Lovely tribute. Thank you.

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Thanks Barry - agree with every word - She was majestic, I loved her, Thanks for the excellent clips. Very sad that she has gone.

"I've just thrown up over some of the best people in Hollywood- now is no time to get sensitive" is a fab line I'd forgotten about.

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Thé crème de la crème

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Loved her as well! The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie influenced me to be a writer along with Mike Leigh's Abigail's Party. I was very young when I first saw it but understood everything. Ivevalways been attracted to monsters because my mother was one, and I worshipped Brodie. Hated the fact my own teachers weren't as brilliant! California Suite, Maggie at her acidic best. Loved it. Also, adored her in the Passion of Judith Hearne. Heartbreaking! Thanks for showing. X

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The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, wonderful stuff but Jesus I feel old remembering that LOL.

The film with Maggie and the 1970's TV series with the wonderful Geraldine McEwan.

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Character actors and actresses...yes keep the male and female terms. Now they all have to look lovely, even as they age, their lines must be botoxed away, they have to look sexy and some have surrogates or trans kids to keep the image. Like the carzy world we have now, we may never see the like again.

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Unforgettable lines from Maggie Smith. Rest in Peace.

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Brilliant tribute ,Barry. She was truly one of the greats and I've never forgotten her performance in " The prime of miss Jean Brodie ". Wonderful film. Such talent !! Thanks ,Barry xx

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Lovely tribute, Barry.

My favourite was The Lady In The Van.

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A wonderful tribute, Barry. Thank you so much. Adored her in ‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’ & became a big fan of Muriel Spark’s writing after that.

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A lovely tribute, thank you.

I remember watching the documentary film, Nothing Like a Dame, that came out a few years ago. It's just Maggie Smith, Joan Plowright, Eileen Atkins and Judi Dench chatting and reminiscing, but it was a beautiful testament to their friendship and wit.

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