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I Done a Letters

We the undersigned

Greetings good people of t’interwebs and associated social medials, Jester here with another letter for people to sign should you wish.

If you would like to add your name to the letter and endorse what I have to say then you can use the link here or below to pay the princely sum of £1 into my coffers, and yes I am serious.

In the interest of transparency you should note that I have every intention of keeping anything that I raise from this and using it to continue my battle for free speech, an education and competence based society, with, of course, added eclairs.

Alternatively you can simply pay because my content amuses you or you recognise that I am getting older and my hair is falling out whilst my body continues to malfunction on multiple levels and you feel sorry for me.

This option means that nobody will know the actual reason that you signed my letter and gives you a get out clause should you later suffer from regret having momentarily lost your ability to reason, think critically and recognise gaslighting, which is wholly prevalent on multiple directional factors that no writer could possibly account for no matter how long the diatribe or numerous the sources.

We The Undersigned

In light of the horrendous mess that life seems to be at the moment we the undersigned affirm, commit, underline, espouse, wave at, copy and paste, speak in our sleep, translate into Latin, utter in Polari, tattoo on our inner thigh and etch on the bottom of mugs the following:

  • Free speech is the cornerstone of any society that wishes to be successful and free, the attack on free speech is an attack on thought.

    • Inciting violence is not free speech.

    • Libel is not free speech.

    • Harassment is not free speech.

    • Calling someone a Gender Addled Grievance Gerbil is free speech, likewise, Twat, Twerp, Falsity Gibbon, Inveterate Tosser, or plain old Wanker.

  • We all have the right to be left alone, by others and the state.

  • The state is not your mummy and daddy, grow up, it’s worth it.

  • Utopianism Kills

  • Censorship is a malevolent evil that we should be very careful of wielding.

  • The lack of critical thinking is a national emergency.

  • The full participation of women is not an add on, it is paramount to civilisations success, the eradication of VAWG should be a primary concern of any civilised society.

  • The education system exists to create competent adults, in whatever that may be, and not to deal in mental health, dogma or indoctrination into cults such as Critical Social Justice.

  • Our success is predicated on meritocracy, competency and collaboration, not power and oppression, collectivism and victimhood.

  • The answer to bad men is good men, not the state.

  • The family is the cornerstone of a collaborative and healthy society, that doesn’t mean you have to have one, like the idea, or turn up for performative and ritualistic nonsense such as Christmas. funerals, weddings and BBQ’s.

  • The enlightenment, the scientific method and the reformation were a miracle that has given us everything, don’t believe me, do the work.

  • The sanctity of the individual is foundational.

  • Helping people who are registered disabled participate should be the only focus of so called EDI/DIE and should follow the social model.

  • Equality of opportunity is a noble goal we should strive for.

  • Equality of outcome (Equity) is a murderous abomination of an idea and must be resisted.

  • Critical Social Justice is a cult - It’s tactics are:

    • Critical Race Theory

    • Queer theory

    • Gender Ideology (Critical Sex Theory)

    • Other grievance studies

  • Academia is wholly responsible for the current mess we are in.

  • Anti-racist beliefs and practice are totalitarian in nature and are racist.

  • Being against racism is not to be anti-racist.

  • Men are not women and vice versa

  • Gender identity (which does not exist) is at best personality, which if you have any sense you will develop a character from.

  • Gender expression is fashion

  • Transphobia does not exists because nobody is Trans

  • Intersectionality is a tool for the creation of grievance, power and oppression narratives, disharmony and inevitably violence.

  • LGBT and any other derivatives and addons have zero to do with Gays and Lesbians and are another manifestation of the CSJ cult.

  • Political correctness is a communist cultural phenomena and must be resisted.

  • Hate speech laws are an abomination and must go

  • Islamophobia is not, and must never be taken seriously, Islam is not a race, it is a religion, one practiced by, amongst others Islamists, who practice it in extremis, so like any other extremist religion/cult/sect should be mocked, ridiculed, criminalised where appropriate and hunted to extinction. The idea was invented by Islamists in the first place.

  • Collectivism is a dangerous relic from the 20th century and needs to go the way of the Dodo, collaboration, predominantly single issue, is the way to go, collaboration with a sell by date. Imagine where we would be if Stonewall had done that.

  • Respect is a weasel word that we should abandon to individual reason, tolerance is all you and I get.

  • There are NO priestly classes, including those deluded and mentally ill enough to believe they are something they are not. (I got this one from my neighbour Napoleon).

  • Immigration is out of control, whether you and I like it or not.

  • Free healthcare is not a human right, it is a civilisational responsibility.

  • We are all British, wherever we originated, whether we are Welsh, Scottish, Irish, English is all well and good, but we are all British, once you are here and accepted into our society, you too are British, first and foremost, and most people get that.

  • If you do not like British values, culture and morality, which some sense of what they are is written above I suspect, and wish to usurp or destroy them, leave, it is not complicated, just leave.

  • Life is generally good, it is a gift, you get one, don’t spend it being a perpetual victim, you will regret it.

Pay up and sign up.

Come be a Warrior Teacher

I will add the names to the others as I get them.

Perhaps if all these letters required a fee, we may all think twice before we sign it.

Lesson learnt for me but how about you?

  1. Barry Wall

  2. The EDIJester

  3. Santa Claus

  4. Claus Von Bulow

  5. Adolf Hitler

  6. Mao Tse Tung

  7. Lord Lucan

  8. Alma Cogan

  9. Vasco De Gama

  10. Prince

  11. Kier Starmer

  12. Sauron

  13. Elvis who works in the chip shop

  14. Mull, of Kintyre

  15. Donald without his trousers

  16. The Doge of Venice

  17. Karl Marx

  18. Groucho Marx

  19. Carrie (Who doesn’t live here anymore)

  20. Sally (girl of our alley)

  21. The spy who loved me

  22. Tin Tin

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The Court of the EDIJester
The Court of the EDIJester Podcast
All Things Satirical and Crackers - Pull up a Throne and Dive in to the Insane World of Critical Social Justice